Monday, November 19, 2012

10,000 reasons

the other day i was driving and the song 10,000 reasons by matt redman came up on the radio and i noticed that  Bastian started singing(humming), he kept saying "soul, soul, soul" (that's all he knows) i pulled over and just stared at him. i was so impressed by the way this 2 year old child was praising God, he lifted up his arms and his eyes seemed focused on something, he looked so peaceful and pure i felt jealous of his connection with the Lord. it just reminded me that we are all God's children and no matter how old you are we all have a relationship with him and honestly i think my 2 year old's relationship with God is purer and more genuine than mine is right now (shame on me). and i know that God used him to teach me a lesson and will continue to use him for His glory.

1 comment:

  1. Ana your so cute!!!!! I love you so much!! -secret admirer
